9190 Series High Pressure Deadweigth Testers : Range 35-2000 bar or 50-5000 bar 500-30,000psi or 750-75,000psi or ( kg/cm² also available), Higher accuracy 0.01% of reading, Standard accuracy 0.025% of reading., Traceability NPL, UKAS, NIST, Weights Stainless steel, non magnetic,
Comparison Pump : The Comparison Test Pump is a hydraulic hand operated unit that provides a quick and cost effective means of comparing readings between, Range: 0-700bar / 10000 psi, Priming: Direct via ram screw.
9000 Series Deadweigth Testers : Range 1-5000 bar / 10-75,000 psi or
( kg/cm² also available), Higher accuracy 0.015% of reading, Standard
accuracy 0.025% of reading., Traceability NPL, UKAS, NIST, Weights
Stainless steel, non magnetic,